Software Process Activities

Software Process Activities

Software process activities include a series of steps and tasks involved in the development of software. A schematic approach used in software engineering is known as software process activities.

A software process is a sequence of activities that lead to efficient production of software. Software process activities include all the activities involving software development. The high-level activities of specification, development, validation and evolution are parts of all software processes. Four fundamental activities are common in all software processes.

These activities are:-

  1. Software specification:-When the customer and engineer define the software that is to be produced and the constraints on its operation this process is known as software specification. This software specification Involves understanding and defining what services are required for the system and identifying the constraints of a system’s operation and development. This blueprint becomes the guiding document for the entire development process.

    Example- Imagine crafting a social media app, here software specification involves understanding user profiles, post creation and system limitations.

  2. Software development:- Where the software is designed and programmed. This phase usually comprises software architecture coming into the designing and coding phase This software development phase consists of the usage of various software involved in the production, coding and comprehensive development of the software.

    Example- In the case of our social media app, this phase transforms design concepts into tangible code, bringing features like user registration, post creation and interaction to life.

  3. Software validation:- where the software is cheque to ensure that it is what the customer requires. This involves the testing and debugging part of the software development process which ensures that the software aligns with customer requirements.

    Example-Imagine the social media app undergoing testing to validate that the user can seamlessly register, create posts, and interact without glitches. Software validation is the litmus test, ensuring the developed software meets the envisioned objectives.

  4. Software evolution:- In the dynamic world of software, change is constant. The software evolution phase involves modifying the software to reflect changing customer needs and market trends. This phase usually involves maintenance, deployment and modification processes which ensures that the software remains relevant.

    Example-In the context of our social media app, this phase includes updates to introduce new features, fix bugs and respond to user feedback.